Speaking straight isn’t easy,  especially when we're all short-staffed and don’t want to say something to alienate an employee. So how do we offer constructive feedback to ensure we don’t settle for mediocrity and yet still keep our team happy and motivated? Our friends at the Collaborative Way will share how we can "Speak Straight" and share a structure of feedback that will keep everyone motivated while still accountable.



Declan Scott and Marcus Bond | The Collaborative Way

Build IT LIVE 2022

Moderator: Michelle Ragusa-McBain | Cisco


Arlin Sorensen | ConnectWise
Neil Medwed | Meriplex
Collin Knox | Gradient MSP
Lance Thompson | Acrisure Cyber Services

Build IT LIVE 2023
When it comes to leadership, so much of the talk is about your interactions with others. But what about working on yourself? You don't become a great leader by accident. What can great leaders do in order to become exceptional?


Michelle Ragusa-McBain | SonicWall
Unique personalities, working styles, and differing opinions make workplace conflicts inevitable. Effective conflict management can turn an issue into an opportunity to build a cohesive team and strengthen organizational culture.


Brad Schow | ConnectWise
Your current leadership team may have gotten you here, but do they have the right skills to help you to get to the next level? A leadership strategy that encourages, inspires, supports, and motivates teams through active listening, self-awareness, open-mindedness, and emotional intelligence. The outcome is better performance, better well-being, and a sense of empowerment resulting in member success and the advancement of organizational goals. Hear how to assess and plan further leadership development.
Don’t miss our fast-paced session with Greg Jones and Michael DePalma, where we’ll share valuable insights and tips on building a winning team for your MSP business. Discover how putting the right people in the right seats on the bus can make all the difference between success and failure. Join us for practical strategies that will help your business thrive in an ever-changing business world. Get ready to unlock the potential of your team and achieve remarkable growth. See you there!


Michael DePalma | IT Complete, the Kaseya Platform
Greg Jones | IT Complete

It can be challenging to give up control. Developing a delegating leadership style takes time and trust, but the time-saving and efficiency benefits and the boost in employee morale are worth it. In this session, you’ll learn how to delegate effectively.

Build IT LIVE 2022

Another quarter, and projects still aren't done.

This is a streamlined way to get comprehensive status updates during your leadership meetings.  This helps ensure that risks, issues, and challenges are being identified early on, rather than last minute. Be able to drive accountability within your team with this Status Update Report.

Kam Kaila | ITBD
Leaders need fresh ways of thinking in order to navigate during these unprecedented times. In this session, Dr. Larry Little will address more than just the desired innovative skills to solidify the culture leaders aspire for their company. Using the ABC’s of effective leadership practices, Larry will equip you with an applicable tool to build a culture of success for all employees.
​​Not everyone is born a leader. You may have promoted someone to a leadership role when you probably shouldn’t have. How do you ensure that your up-and-coming leaders have the right skills and competencies for your organization?

Trevor Dierdorff | Amnet